revocation provision
There is no right of withdrawal according to § 312 b BGB. It states in § 312 b Paragraph 3 No. 6:
The rules on distance contracts do not apply to contracts for the provision of accommodation, transport, food and drink and leisure services if, at the time of conclusion of the contract, the trader undertakes to provide the service at a specific time or within a precisely specified period
The organizer grants the guest a voluntary right of withdrawal until the date of the respective payment due.

Terms and Conditions

1.) Scope

The general terms and conditions apply to all legal relationships between the organizer of the Homburger Wiesn, TOB events - Thorsten Bruch and the guests of the Oktoberfest tent “Homburger Wiesn”.

2.) Reservations

  • Reservations are only possible ONLINE via the website
  • After correctly entering all relevant data into the form, you will receive an automated confirmation email and a separate email with the invoice. The reservation becomes binding when the invoice is sent by email.
  • The payment deadline for the total amount stated on the invoice must be strictly adhered to. By making the payment, all guests who have reserved a table accept these terms and conditions as binding.
  • If payment is not received on time, the reservation will expire without any further notice from the organizer.
  • An increase in the number of people is not possible.

3.) Reservation handling – issuing tokens - table reservations

  • The entry wristbands and tokens are generally not sent out. The reservation documents will be handed out on September 21st and 22nd from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the run-up to the Oktoberfest in the festival tent and on the day of the event from 4 p.m. in front of the tent.
  • The reserved tables must be occupied by at least one person at the confirmed time in order to maintain the reservation. The organizer can no longer guarantee the seats after this time.

4.) Validities

  • The tokens are valid on all days of the Homburger Wiesn event in the current year. It is generally not possible to return tokens purchased as part of the reservation.
  • The beer tokens are valid for all drinks that can be ordered directly from the responsible service staff and for direct sales at the bars. The tokens cannot be redeemed in the cocktail bar or the liquor bar.
  • The tokens for the ½ chicken are only valid for a ½ chicken or, alternatively, for a salad (vegetarian). The service staff cannot book any other dish for this token, even if the additional price is paid.

5.) General

  • By purchasing the ticket, contractual relationships are established exclusively between the purchaser and holder of the ticket and the organizer.
  • The organizer reserves the right to change the reservation area if necessary.
  • A reservation does not generally entitle you to a table in the following year. However, as in previous years, it is planned to offer the tables to previous year's guests as an option.
  • No drinks may be brought into the marquee. The organizer reserves the right to check any items brought into the marquee (especially bags and backpacks).
  • If legal regulations are not observed (especially the Health Protection Act - smoking ban in the marquee!), the guest will be expelled from the tent.
  • The right to refuse entry for important reasons remains reserved.
  • The instructions of the security personnel must be followed.
  • The organizer reserves the right to change the musical program without prior notice.
  • For reasons of child protection, persons under the age of 16 are only allowed into the festival tent after 6 p.m. if accompanied by a parent or guardian (parental consent forms are not accepted). Persons who are over 16 but under 18 at the time of the event must unfortunately leave the festival tent by midnight.
  • If the Oktoberfest does not take place or if it is not possible to operate the festival tent on the reserved dates
  • regardless of the reason, the reservation is considered void. In these cases, the price of the tokens/ wristbands purchased when making the reservation will be refunded upon return.
    Otherwise, no claims can be made against the festival host.

6.) Data usage

  • The organizer is entitled to collect, store and use personal data of the customer.ern, process and use. The customer expressly agrees to this. The organizer is entitled, until revoked, to mention the name / company of the customer on posted reservation lists and table signs. An objection must be sent in writing to the organizer. The organizer undertakes to comply with the statutory data protection regulations (GDPR). Information on data protection at:
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